Engineering Manager & Sr. Full Stack Software Engineer

Jedidiah Hurt

2210 Van Buren St · Eugene, OR 97405 · (541) 731-5374 · · PDF Resume

I am a non-traditional, self-taught programmer. I started hacking on a monochromatic DOS/Windows 3.1 machine at 9 years old and haven't stopped.

Throughout my 19 year career, I have continuously worked in management positions—bringing technology to bear on hard problems, while honing my skills as a technologist as well as a compassionate and encouraging leader and mentor.

I have excelled at tasks ranging from managing a team to build a multi-million dollar suite of web tools, to positioning a successful services company for a pivot to providing hardware and software. I can move deftly between high level vision and strategy, client relations, project management, visual design, systems architecture, DevOps, and software engineering.

My core drivers are curiosity and compassion for all beings. I am looking for a team with lofty goals and a drive to use the skills and abilities we wield as technologists to do good in the world.


Chief Technology Officer

  • Defined, architected, and built Hybrid's technology platform, which drew on my skills in visual design, devops, and full stack engineering.
  • Concepted and built a high-reliability live video streaming platform (on top of Google Cloud) to address long-standing architectural issues with de-facto live streaming solutions. Its most intensive application has been twice facilitating a distance learning environment with 14 locations broadcasting 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 6 weeks straight. Over 10,000 students watched these lectures every day. Not a single support ticket has been filed due to a technological failure. In fact, no live stream has gone offline for any period of time since the introduction of the platform.
  • Single-handedly created a proof-of-concept hardware product which represents the company's multi-year vision of becoming a hardware and software provider. Demoed the prototype to our largest partner at their worldwide HQ in June.
  • Built meaningful and collaborative relationships with our clients in order to help them define requirements for their events, empowering them to clarify and then realize their goals.
  • Managed 5-10 conferences per year where we provided AV services—my responsibilities included architecting and implementing high-reliability, redundant live streaming and video capture solutions, crewing, travel arrangements, on-the-ground technical direction + crew management (usually a crew of 5-15), crew training, quality control, and final deliverables.
  • Built a real-time, collaborative web app for on-site crew management during events. The app intgrates with our quoting software and gives our crews a clear and reliable accounting of all work needed to be accomplished on a show. Feedback from our crews (who gig for many AV companies) has been that our shows are the most well-managed and organized of any they have ever worked.

Deployed production systems using Bootstrap, React, Ramda, Flow, GraphQL, Auth0, Ruby, myriad REST APIs, Nginx, AWS, Google Cloud, and Docker.

February 2017 - August 2019

Partner, Full Stack Engineer

Reformation Studios

Founded in 2005, Reformation Studios is a web development and design firm owned by myself and my wife. Our work over the years has varied greatly in scope and has resulted in satisfied clients with products, both physical and digital, which have improved the success and profitablitiy of their companies.

  • Provide full stack web development, branding, video production, and design services
  • Collaborate closely with a multitude of small businesses to help them envision how technology can help their ventures

Deployed production systems using Bootstrap, React, Redux, Ramda, Flow, GraphQL, Auth0, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, WordPress, myriad REST APIs, Firebase, AWS, Google Cloud, and Docker. Provided design and video work using Premiere, After Effects, InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

May 2005 - Present

Producer, Co-Director, & Full Stack Engineer

A cause-based indie documentary about the developer ecosystem created by the App Store and the post-iPhone world we all find ourselves in. The film takes a somber look at the power we wield as developers, and calls for an intentional, thoughtful approach to the work we put into the world.

This project was a grass roots, Kickstarter funded film undertaken by myself and a long-time friend. My titles included Producer and Co-Director. I also provided branding, design, cinematography, editing, motion graphics, full stack web development, and process automation.

Coming away from this project, I am determined to use my skills to empower individuals from all walks of life to be more creative, to be more functional, and to have a voice in this technological world.

Deployed production systems using Bootstrap, Jekyll, Stripe, Ruby, MySQL, myriad REST APIs, AWS, Digital Ocean, and Docker. Provided extensive editing, design, and motion graphics utilizing Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

August 2014 - February 2017

“Perfectly captures the decade long wild ride of app developers.”

“A painstaking love letter to apps and the people who make them.”

Featured Work from this project

App: The Human Story Trailer

App Camp for Girls - Why Start?

Neven Mrgan on Why Skeuomorphism Is Like a Classic Car

Engineering Manager, Web Team

Managed the design direction, architecture, implementation, and maintenance of several of KickBack's customer facing tools. Worked closely with several of KickBack's largest clients in a project manager role.

During my tenure at KickBack, I:

  • modernized development practices throughout the organization
  • introduced Vagrant, Docker, automated testing, and continuous integration
  • built the web team from 2 developers to 8
  • worked closely with the Quality Assurance team, helping them establish repeatable processes for testing, and mentored the QA lead to learn programming and begin practicing automated testing
  • modernized several of KickBack's HTTP APIs to bring them more in line with RESTful standards, as well as designing several new REST APIs and managing the backend developers implementing them
  • designed, built, and managed the infrastructure to deploy all of KickBack's web-based tooling and properties, used by tens of thousands of clients around the world
  • regularly undertook extensive reporting and analysis tasks against a MySQL cluster using raw SQL
  • led the web team I built to deliver a very well received $1.5m client-funded project on time and on budget. The software built during this project represents the bulk of KickBack's customer facing reporting, analytics, and loyalty program management tools to this day
  • travelled with our CEO and Director of Development to present the above tooling to our client's board of executives at their worldwide HQ
  • though not technically in my purview, automated a multitude of KickBack's internal monthly billing and reporting processes, drastically reducing errors, and saving my co-workers hundreds of hours annually

Deployed production systems using Flash, Object-Oriented ActionScript 3.0, Bootstrap, Angular, Underscore, Ramda, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Cucumber, Chef, Terraform, CI/CD, Jenkins, PHP, WordPress, myriad REST APIs, AWS, and Docker

September 2011 - August 2014

“Over the past decade, Jedidiah has been my single greatest mentor and influencer. In addition to being able to inspire you, he's one of the hardest working and most innovative leaders I've ever seen.

At KickBack, he led engineering and agile initiatives/ceremonies for a full-stack team comprised of front end, back end, and DevOps engineers. Under Jedidiah's leadership, we delivered an amazing big data pipeline and analytics platform to our customers in an industry that had never seen this type of product before.

Jedidiah is a technical powerhouse in all sides of the house. He understands architecture, DevOps, engineering, and how all of these directly correlate to business initiatives. Combine that with his excellent people management and leadership skills and you have yourself a truly amazing candidate for leading any software development team to success.”

Creative Director & Full Stack Engineer

Note: my values and beliefs now differ significantly from those espoused by this organization

When I started here, all design work was accomplished by the secretary using Microsoft Publisher. Upon leaving, the organization had a cohesive and modern brand represented throughout its campus, print and broadcast materials, and online presence. It had well established processes and technological tooling for end-to-end weekly production and delivery of its TV show, as well as a functional and user friendly website, containing the entirety of the organization's media archive, catalogged and searchable, with another end-to-end production and delivery pipeline for putting its various media online.

  • Designed all visual collateral for the church's sermon series, special events, ministries, and branding (including all interior and exterior signage).
  • Designed and developed the church website.
  • Spearheaded the church's video ministry, which included a weekly broadcast on a local TV station. Responsibilities included designing and building the end-to-end production pipeline, which included a library of scripts to aid in process automation.
  • Designed and installed AV systems (projection, digital signage, and closed circuit monitoring) throughout the 50,000 square foot building.
  • Provided on-site PC troubleshooting and support throughout the organization.
  • Lead drummer for the band

Deployed production systems using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Underscore, MySQL, myriad REST APIs, and AWS. Provided extensive video editing, design, and motion graphics work utilizing Final Cut, Apple Motion, Blender, Cinema4D, Processing, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

October 2006 - September 2011

Adjunct Professor - Flash ActionScript

I returned to my alma matter the semester after my graduation to teach the design department faculty about programming in ActionScript. The class was well received and I thoroughly enjoyed the role of the teacher. The faculty finished the class with a much deeper grasp and newfound confidence around the ActionScript material they were expected to teach.

September 2005 - December 2005

Shop Manager, PC Tech, Full Stack Engineer

A small PC repair shop in my hometown. This was my first full time job. I felt very fortunate to start out doing something I loved.

  • Provided technical support, PC repair, custom built PCs, and full stack web development.
  • Managed job scheduling and coordination for myself and two other technicians.
  • Converted our paper-based work order system to a custom-built Ruby on Rails app. This app also managed job scheduling. Last I touched base, the system was still in use ten years later.
  • Made service calls to various local residences and businesses. Established many meaningful and trust-based relationships with Microchips' clients.

Deployed production systems using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and MySQL. Contributed design work using Photoshop.

September 2000 - October 2006


College of Southern Idaho

Associate of Science
Computer Graphics Design - Multimedia Track

GPA: 3.97

September 2003 - May 2005

Most Influential Works

I am a diligent learner. In my studies of computer science and management, I have read hundreds of books, watched hundreds of talks, and have read thousands of blog posts. These are a few which have had an outsized impact on my work and professional life.

  • Multipliers - taught me to speak less, listen more, and to be intentional about digging for and calling out the greatness inside of my colleagues and students
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - crystallized and gave words to my desire to help people feel more functional and empowered in a technological world; increased my empathy for the end-user and solidified my determination to build reliable systems
  • Continuous Delivery - my deep dive into into what has become my approach and philosophy around DevOps and continuous delivery
  • The Pragmatic Programmer - gave me a solid foundation for thinking about the art of programming
  • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gang of Four) - my formal introduction to object oriented design and design patterns
  • Essential ActionScript 3.0 - taught me to apply classical OOP in the context of Flash development
  • Refactoring Ruby Edition - dramatically increased my instincts for writing maintainable, understandable, well-factored code
  • Functional JavaScript - greatly expanded my understanding and confidence in applying functional principles to my work
  • The Joy of Clojure - further expanded my grasp of functional programming and the possibilities when using a language designed for it
  • Talk by Brett Victor: Inventing on Principle - gave me a framework and vocabulary to think about the things I've always wished were better about programming; painted a beautiful picture of what the experience of using a computer could look like
  • Talk by Rich Hickey: Hammock Driven Development - helped me crystallize my process for thinking critically through technical design challenges, as well as the import of regularly taking a step back and thinking deeply about the problems one is trying to solve


I am a fast and enthusiastic learner. I have dabbled in and experimented with many other tools not listed here. My overarching guide is the pursuit of mastery of a toolchain for building highly reliable systems, informed by functional programming ideals.

Programming Languages & Tools w/years experience


  • 19y HTML/CSS
  • 16y JavaScript
  • 10y Underscore
  • 6y Bootstrap
  • 6y Angular
  • 5y Ramda
  • 4y React
  • 4y Redux
  • 2y Flow
  • 2y GraphQL


  • 14y Ruby
  • 14y Ruby on Rails
  • 14y MySQL
  • 14y Linux Systems Administration
  • 14y Apache
  • 12y Nginx
  • 12y Git
  • 9y AWS
  • 8y Node
  • 6y Chef
  • 6y Docker
  • 2y Google Cloud
  • 1y Terraform


  • 16y Illustrator
  • 16y Photoshop
  • 16y Premiere Pro
  • 10y Processing
  • 4y After Effects


I am organized, disciplined, and self-motivated. I recognize that it is solely my responsibility to bring my best self to my working environment. Therefore, I prioritize a healthy diet, regular sleep schedule, daily mental and physical exercise, and pursuits outside of working, including time with my family, cycling, hiking, volunteering, and rock drumming.


Current Project: Work with a volunteer team to design, acquire, and install a system to distribute sound throughout a 320 cell meditation complex.


A 2020 ballot initiative to legalize psilocybin therapy in Oregon.

Oversee and manage infrastructure and deployment of all web properties. Capture and produce video recordings of live events. Provide consulting to the chief petitioners on all needs technical as we work together to bring psilocybin assisted therapy to the Oregon populace.
